A photo of our tea table.

Timeless Guardian

Yesterday, we had the pleasure of chatting with our guests, who shared some fascinating history about our neighborhood.

The nearby elementary school is celebrating its 84th anniversary this year. Before the school was built, the area known as Ikenoue was home to a tranquil pasture and a serene pine forest. It’s hard to imagine now, surrounded by a residential district, but cows once roamed here, peacefully grazing on lush grass.

Even today, the schoolyard preserves a cherished piece of its past—a majestic pine tree. For over 80 years, this tree has stood as a silent guardian, watching over generations of children as they play and learn beneath its sheltering branches.

We are grateful to have learned about the rich history of this area, which was previously unknown to us. We look forward to welcoming you and your friends to our shop again soon!

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