A photo of an incense holder.

A Warm Welcome Awaits

Today, the visitors who stopped by to explore our shop were delighted and mentioned how much they enjoyed the ambiance. Just a step off the main shopping street, you’ll find yourself in front of a traditional, elegant gate. As you slide open the door and step into the entrance, you’re greeted by the soothing scent of incense. You can either stretch out and relax in the Japanese room with an irori (traditional hearth) or enjoy quiet time at a spacious table in the shoin-style room—the choice is yours.

For those who reserve a spot for an experience, we offer exclusive use of the entire venue, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in both Japanese calligraphy and the tea ceremony.

本日、当店を見学いただいた方に「雰囲気がいいね」と喜んでいただきました。書院造と囲炉裏の間、それぞれの趣が楽しめます。体験をご予約いただくと、店舗貸し切りにて、書道と茶道の体験を提供させていただきます。ご予約は「Make a Booking」ボタンからお気軽にお申込みいただけます。
